1. **选择适合大小的供奉台:** 选择小巧简约的供奉台,以适应空间大小,不要选择过大的供奉台,以免占据太多空间。
2. **墙壁挂式供奉台:** 如果房间空间有限,可以考虑选择墙壁挂式的供奉台,将供奉台安装在墙上,既可以节省空间,又能够充分展示供奉物。
3. **角落摆放:** 在房间的角落摆放供奉台,这样既能够利用空间,又不会妨碍日常活动。
4. **简约摆放供品:** 由于空间有限,选择摆放简约的供品,不要过多堆积,保持整洁清爽的感觉。
5. **高度选择:** 供奉台的高度要适中,不要太高也不要太低,方便信徒能够轻松地供奉和参拜。
6. **定期整理和清洁:** 确保供奉台的周围环境干净整洁,定期清理供品,保持神圣的氛围。
If house space is lesser, the design that can consider stage of the following consecrate and put a proposal:
1.** chooses to suit the consecrate stage of size: ** chooses cabinet and contracted consecrate station, in order to get used to dimensional size, had not chosen big consecrate desk, lest occupy too much space.
2.** wall hangs type consecrate stage: ** if room space is limited, can consider to choose the consecrate station with wall hung wall, consecrate stage installation is on the wall, can save a space already, can reveal consecrate thing adequately again.
3.** corner puts: ** puts consecrate station in the corner of the room, can use a space already so, won't hamper again daily activity.
4.** is contracted put offerings: ** because the space is limited, the choice puts contracted offerings, do not pile up too much, maintain neat and relaxed sense.
5.** height chooses: The height of ** consecrate stage wants moderate, also do not want too high too low, convenient believer can easily consecrate and pay homage to.
6.** arranges regularly and clean: ** ensures the surroundings of consecrate stage is clean and neat, clear regularly offerings, maintain divine atmosphere.