1. 香炉:可以是普通的香炉或者香炉台,用来放置香和灰。
2. 香:选择适合供奉的香,如佛香、观音香、或者其他你信仰的神灵喜欢的香。
3. 点火工具:如火柴或打火机,用来点燃香。
4. 花果供品:可以准备一些鲜花、水果或其他食物作为供品。
5. 心诚:供奉神的过程中,心诚是最重要的。
1. 将香炉放在供奉神的地方,保持清洁。
2. 在香炉中放入适量的香,可以是整支或者破碎的香。
3. 点燃香火,可以在香炉中间或四周点燃。
4. 虔诚地向神祈祷,表达自己的虔诚和诚意。
5. 可以将花果供品摆放在供奉神的周围,表示虔诚和感恩。
6. 在香燃尽之后,可以将余烬处理干净,保持香炉的整洁。
Sweet on the home consecrate is magical, need to prepare a few necessary article above all:
1.Censer: Can be common censer or censer stage, with will place sweet with ash.
2.Sweet: Those who choose to suit consecrate is sweet, be like Buddha sweet, avalokitesvara is sweet, other perhaps what your devotional deities likes is sweet.
3.Ignition tool: Be like match or lighter, with will ignite sweet.
4.Spend fruit offerings: Can prepare a few flowers, fruit or other edibles to serve as offerings.
5.Heart sincere: In the process of consecrate god, heart sincere it is the most important.
Next, undertake according to the following measure:
1.Put censer in the place of consecrate god, keep clean.
2.Put in censer right amount sweet, can be whole raise or broken sweet.
3.Ignite burning incense, can be among censer or all around ignite.
4.Pray to the god piously, those who convey oneself is devotional with sincerity.
5.Can put beautiful fruit offerings in consecrate god all round, express to be mixed piously be thankful.
6.Be in sweet after be being lighted, can handle Yu Jin clean, those who maintain censer is neat.
Consecrate god is a kind of belief and devotional expression, no matter be,be being returned in the home is cloister, need a heart to put awe-stricken with sincerity.