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1. **信仰和喜好:** 选择你信仰或喜爱的佛教菩萨形象。有些人可能偏爱观音菩萨,有些人可能更喜欢释迦牟尼佛,因此根据个人的信仰和喜好做选择。

2. **尺寸和空间:** 考虑佛像的尺寸和你供奉的空间大小。如果空间较小,选择小一点的佛像;如果空间宽敞,可以选择较大的佛像。

3. **材质和制作工艺:** 佛像可以是不同的材质制成,如金属、木头、石膏等。可以选择符合你审美和质感的材质和制作工艺。

4. **意义和象征:** 每个佛像都有其象征意义和寓意,选择一个能够启发你信仰和内心平静的形象。

5. **预算:** 根据你的预算选择合适的佛像。有些佛像可能价格昂贵,而有些则价格适中。



When choosing consecrate figure of Buddha, can consider the following:

1.** belief and be fond of: ** chooses your belief or the Buddhist Bodhisattva image that like. Some people may favore avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, some people may prefer Sakyamuni Buddha, because this is mixed according to the individual's belief,be fond of makes a choice.

2.** dimension and space: ** considers the dimensional size of the dimension of figure of Buddha and your consecrate. If the space is lesser, choose a bit smaller figure of Buddha; If the space is capacious, can choose bigger figure of Buddha.

3.** material pledges and make technology: ** figure of Buddha can be different capable person is made character, wait like metal, wood, gesso. Can choose to accord with you aesthetic pledge with the material of simple sense and make technology.

4.** meaning and indicative: Every figure of Buddha has ** its are indicative meaning and implied meaning, the choice can inspire your belief and the figure with quiet heart.

5.** budget: ** chooses appropriate figure of Buddha according to your budget. Some figure of Buddha are likely the price is high, and some price moderate.

The most important is, choice one honour cherish wants when figure of Buddha devotional, experience the belief that its represent and mental connotation.
