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1. 准备猪头:选择一头完整的猪头,可以去市场购买或者自己养殖。猪头要清洗干净,去除毛发和内脏。

2. 祭祀场所:在家中或者特定的祭祀场所摆放祭台或祭坛。祭祀场所要干净整洁,以示敬意。

3. 准备祭品:除了猪头外,还可以准备其他祭品,如水果、酒、糖果等。根据传统或个人喜好选择。

4. 祭祀仪式:在特定的日子或者节日,按照传统的仪式进行祭祀。可以点香、献上祭品,诵读祝词或者祈祷。

5. 分享祭品:祭祀结束后,可以将祭品分享给家人、亲友或者捐赠给有需要的人,表示共享祝福和感恩之情。



Head of civilian consecrate pig is a kind of traditional sacred ceremony normally, include the following measure commonly:

1.Prepare pig head: Choose a whole pig head, can go the market is bought or oneself breed. Pig head should be cleaned clean, purify hair and splanchnic.

2.Sacred place: Specific perhaps in the home sacred place puts stage of hold a memorial ceremony for or altar. Sacred place wants clean neat, in order to show respect.

3.Plan sacrificial offerings: Besides pig head, still can plan other sacrificial offerings, wait like fruit, wine, candy. According to tradition or choice of individual be fond of.

4.Sacred ceremony: In specific date or festival, undertake according to traditional ceremony sacred. Can nod sweet, display on oblation, chant congratulate perhaps prays.

5.Share oblation: After sacred end, can share oblation family, relatives and friends to perhaps donate the person that has need, express to share blessing and the feeling that be thankful.

Above is the means of head of run-of-mill civilian consecrate pig only, specific ceremony and consuetudinary likelihood because of area and nation differ somewhat.
