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1. **选择适合的位置**:关公像通常应该放置在屋内的显眼位置,如客厅或书房。确保他的位置不受杂物遮挡,能够清晰地展示他的形象。

2. **整洁干净的供桌**:在供奉关公的位置上准备一个整洁的供桌,可以用红布覆盖,以示尊敬。放置香炉和蜡烛,使祭祀场面庄严肃穆。

3. **添置配件**:在供桌上可以摆放一些关公喜爱的物品,如青龙偃月刀、赤兔马等小型摆件,以增添气氛。

4. **照明和氛围**:使用柔和的灯光照明关公像,可以选择红色或黄色灯光,营造神圣的氛围。

5. **定期清洁和祭拜**:保持关公像的清洁,定期更换供品,并在适当的时候进行祭拜和祷告,表达对他的尊敬和敬意。

6. **心诚则灵**:供奉关公最重要的是心诚,只要心诚,即使简单的供奉也能得到神灵的庇佑和保佑。



Close fair it is one of divine Dai that respect gets fully in Chinese culture, consecrate involves the ceremony with fair certain need and note. It is below a few make close fair more interesting like consecrate proposal:

1.** chooses suitable positional ** : Close fair resemble should setting the conspicuous position inside house normally, be like sitting room or study. Ensure his position does not suffer sundry keep out, can show his figure clearly.

2.The altar ** with shipshape ** : Close in consecrate fair prepare a neat altar locally, can enclothe with red cloth, in order to show respect. Place censer and candle, make sacred occasion majestic and solemn and respectful.

3.** acquires fittings ** : A few goods that Guan Gongxi loves can be put on altar, horse of hare of knife of month of cease of the dragon that be like blueness, bare small-sized place, in order to add atmosphere.

4.** illume and atmosphere ** : Use downy lamplight illume to close fair picture, can choose red or maize light, build divine atmosphere.

5.** fixed cleanness and hold a memorial ceremony for do obeisance to ** : Maintain close fair the cleanness that resemble, change regularly offerings, be in proper when undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to with prayer, express the respect to him and respect.

6.** heart sincere clever ** : Consecrate closes fair the most important is a heart sincere, want a heart only sincere, although simple consecrate also can get deities bless and bless.

Above proposal can help you make close fair the consecrate that resemble is more good-looking and majestic.
