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1. **选择合适的地点**:可以在家中的一个特定区域设置一个小的祭坛或供桌来供奉圣公圣母,也可以选择教堂或礼拜堂等地点。

2. **准备祭品**:可以准备蜡烛、鲜花、圣水、圣像或圣画等物品作为供奉的祭品。

3. **心诚祷告**:可以用自己的方式向圣公圣母表达敬意和祈祷。可以是口头祷告、默想、朗诵经文或唱圣歌等形式。

4. **参与圣事**:可以定期参加弥撒、圣餐等圣事,以加深与圣公圣母的联系。

5. **行善积德**:根据圣公圣母的教导,尽量做善事、行正义、关爱他人,以体现对神圣的尊重和敬畏。



Consecrate emperor fair goddess is OK will undertake according to religious belief of the individual and habit. Generally speaking, consecrate emperor fair goddess can include the following measure:

1.** chooses appropriate place ** : A small altar or altar can be installed to come in a location in the home consecrate emperor fair goddess, also can select cathedral or the site such as bethel.

2.** of ** preparation oblation: Can prepare the article such as water of the candle, flower, emperor, icon or holy picture to serve as the oblation of consecrate.

3.** heart sincere prayer ** : Devoir of fair goddess expression mixes the means Xiang Sheng that can use his pray. Can be oral prayer, meditate, read aloud lection or call the form such as anthem.

4.** participates in sacrament ** : Can attend the sacrament such as mass, Eucharist regularly, in order to deepen the connection of as fair as emperor goddess.

5.** of accumulate virtue of ** do good works: According to holy fair goddess teach, do another person of justice of thing of be apt to, travel, care as far as possible, mix in order to reflect to divine esteem awe-stricken.

The means of consecrate emperor fair goddess is OK because of the person different, important is to want intention sincerity ground to undertake, him expression is right divine mix piously devoir.
