1. **清洁和准备:** 在供奉之前,要确保神像和供奉的地方是清洁的。可以使用清水和温和的清洁剂清洁神像和祭坛。
2. **摆放位置:** 将神像放置在一个特殊的地方,如祭坛、祈祷角落或圣坛。这个地方应当是一个平静、安宁的地方,最好是能够避免被打扰的地方。
3. **献上祈祷和供品:** 在供奉时,可以献上自己的祈祷和敬意。同时,也可以献上一些供品,如鲜花、香烛、水果或其他食物,作为表达敬意和感恩的方式。
4. **维护和保养:** 定期清洁和保养神像是很重要的。这可以通过轻轻擦拭或清洗来完成,以确保神像保持清洁和完好无损。
5. **尊重和敬畏:** 在供奉圣徒神像时,要保持敬畏和尊重的心态。这是对信仰的一种表达,也是对神灵的尊重。
Consecrate saint God can undertake according to the individual's belief and tradition. Generally speaking, it is a few common methods below:
1.** cleanness and preparation: ** is before consecrate, want to ensure the place of God and consecrate is clean. Can use clear water and gentle cleaner cleanness God and altar.
2.** puts the position: ** places God in a special place, like altar, pray corner or chancel. This place ought to be a calm, quiet place, had better be the place that can avoid to be disturbed.
3.** displays on pray and offerings: ** is when consecrate, can display on oneself prayer and devoir. In the meantime, also can present on a few offerings, be like flower, joss sticks and candles, fruit or other edibles, regard expression as devoir and the means that be thankful.
4.** safeguards and maintain: ** fixed cleanness and protecting repose to resemble is very important. This can be finished through be wiped gently or be being cleaned, in order to ensure God maintains cleanness and in good condition nondestructive.
5.** respects and awe-stricken: ** is when consecrate saint God, should keep awe-stricken with valued state of mind. This is a kind of expression to belief, also be the esteem to deities.
These measure can help above God of your consecrate saint, maintain the connection with deities in daily life.