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1. **清洁空间**:确保供奉佛像的空间整洁清净,可以用清水擦拭桌面或供奉处,以表示尊敬。

2. **选择位置**:选择一个安静、清净的地方供奉佛像,避免将其摆放在厕所、厨房等不洁净的地方。

3. **放置佛像**:佛像可以放在高处,表示尊敬和崇高。在家中的话,通常放在客厅或家庭中心的位置,但确保不要把佛像摆放在床头。

4. **供养物品**:可以在佛像前供奉水果、鲜花、香炉和香烛等物品,表示虔诚和敬意。但要注意不要供奉肉类或酒精等不适宜的物品。

5. **礼拜和念诵**:可以在每天早晚向佛像行礼,念诵经文或心经,表示对佛陀的敬仰和信仰。

6. **保持尊敬**:在日常生活中要保持对佛像的尊敬,不要随意触摸或移动,尊重佛陀的形象和意义。



Consecrate of figure of Buddha wants to undertake according to the tradition, follow the following move normally:

1.** of ** clean space: Ensure the space of consecrate figure of Buddha is neat and kosher, can clean desktop or consecrate office with clear water, in order to show respect.

2.** chooses positional ** : Choose a quiet, kosher local consecrate figure of Buddha, avoid to put its not clean place waits in toilet, kitchen.

3.** places ** of figure of Buddha: Figure of Buddha can be put pinnacled, state respect is mixed great. It is if the home is medium, put in the position of sitting room or domestic center normally, but ensure do not put figure of Buddha in the head of a bed.

4.** makes offerings to article ** : Article can wait in fruit of the consecrate before figure of Buddha, flower, censer and joss sticks and candles, express to be mixed piously devoir. But should notice not to want consecrate flesh kind or the unsuited article such as alcohol.

5.** chapel and recite ** : Can be in everyday morning and evening salutes to figure of Buddha, recite lection or heart classics, express pair of Buddha revere and devotional.

6.** maintains respectable ** : Want to retain the respect to figure of Buddha in daily life, be not felt at will or move, respect the figure of Buddha and meaning.

Above is the groovy practice of general consecrate figure of Buddha, but particular consecrate kind also can be mixed according to the individual's belief the habit undertakes adjustment.
