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1. **准备祭品**:准备一些灶神喜欢的食物,如水果、糖果、糕点等。还可以准备一些酒、茶、米、面等。

2. **清洁供桌**:将供桌擦拭干净,摆放干净的桌布或纸。

3. **摆放祭品**:将准备好的祭品摆放在供桌上,可以用红纸写上灶神的名字,如“灶王爷”或“灶神爷”。

4. **燃香祭拜**:点燃香烛,向灶神行三鞠躬礼,然后将香插在香炉中。

5. **祈祷祭告**:向灶神祈祷,表达对其的敬意和感谢,祈求家人健康平安,生活幸福顺利。

6. **留下祭品**:祭拜完毕后,可以将祭品留在供桌上供灶神享用,或者分食给家人。

7. **清理供桌**:在供桌上的祭品用完后,及时清理供桌,以示尊重。



Consecrate kitchen god is Chinese tradition consuetudinary one of, be in normally the traditional Chinese calendar in December 23 or the twelfth month of the lunar year of 24 days 23 or undertake 24 days. The way of consecrate kitchen god is OK and simple, include the following measure commonly:

1.** of ** preparation oblation: Prepare the food that a few kitchen god like, wait like fruit, candied, cake. Still can prepare a few wine, tea, rice, face to wait.

2.** of ** clean altar: Wipe altar clean, put clean antependium or paper.

3.** puts oblation ** : Put ready oblation go up in altar, can write with red paper on the name of kitchen god, be like " kitchen king as form of a address for an official or rich man " or " kitchen god as form of a address for an official or rich man " .

4.** lights sweet hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to ** : Ignite joss sticks and candles, go to kitchen god 3 bow ceremony, next will sweet in be being inserted in censer.

5.** prays hold a memorial ceremony for accuses ** : Pray to kitchen god, convey the devoir to its and acknowledgment, invocatory family health is restful, life happiness is successful.

6.** leaves oblation ** : Hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to after ending, can take sacrifice in altar to offer up a sacrifice kitchen god is enjoyed, perhaps divide feed family.

7.** clears altar ** : After the oblation on altar is gone, clear in time altar, in order to show respect.

Consecrate kitchen god is a kind of tradition consuetudinary, hope these measure can help you undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to.
