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1. 清洁:先确保油灯和供奉的容器干净整洁,可以用柔软的布轻轻擦拭。
2. 添加油:将清澈无杂质的灯油倒入油灯中,不要加太多,以免溢出。
3. 点火:用打火机或火柴点燃油灯,注意安全,小心不要烧到手。
4. 致敬:点燃油灯后,虔诚地向佛菩萨行三鞠躬,表示敬意和谦逊。
5. 祈福:在心中默念自己的祈愿或祈福语,向佛菩萨祈求庇佑和指引。
6. 维护:保持油灯清洁,定期更换灯油,并在需要时修理或更换灯芯,以确保油灯长久明亮。


The method of consecrate cloister oil lamp can be:
1.Clean: Ensure the container of oil lamp and consecrate is clean and neat first, can use soft cloth to be wiped gently.
2.Add oil: Will clear in pouring oil lamp without the kerosene of foreign matter, do not add too much, lest spill over.
3.Ignition: Ignite oil lamp with lighter or match, the attention is safe, do not burn carefully in one's hand.
4.Greeting: After igniting oil lamp, go to Buddha Bodhisattva piously 3 bow, state devoir is mixed condescending.
5.Pray blessing: Read aloud oneself in the silent in the heart invocatory or pray blessing language, petition to Buddha Bodhisattva bless and how-to.
6.Safeguard: Maintain oil lamp cleanness, change regularly kerosene, be repaired when need or change lampwick, in order to ensure oil lamp is long and bright.
