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1. **准备材料**:准备一张画纸、颜料、画笔等绘画用具。

2. **选择佛像形象**:可以根据信仰和偏好选择要绘制的佛像形象,比如释迦牟尼佛、观世音菩萨、文殊菩萨等。

3. **勾勒轮廓**:用浅色颜料或铅笔轻轻勾勒佛像的轮廓,确保比例和形状准确。

4. **填充颜色**:选择适当的颜色填充佛像的各个部分,一般佛像服饰为金色、红色等庄重颜色,皮肤常为浅黄色或金色。

5. **细节处理**:在佛像的面部、服饰等部分添加细节,如眼睛、眉毛、唇部等,注意表现出慈悲和庄严的神态。

6. **背景处理**:根据需要选择适当的背景,可以是单色背景或是具有象征意义的背景。

7. **加持**:在完成后,可以进行加持仪式以增加佛像的神圣气息,也可以请善知识加持。

8. **保护**:完成后可以选择合适的方式保护画作,以免受到损坏或污染。



The figure of Buddha of consecrate needs scale to get village gravity commonly solemn, in order to show respect. It is the basic measure of figure of Buddha of average scale consecrate below:

1.** prepares material ** : Preparation draws the painterly appliance such as paper, painty, paintbrush one piece.

2.** chooses ** of figure of figure of Buddha: Can want the form of figure of Buddha of scale according to belief and preference choice, for instance Bodhisattva of the Sakyamuni Buddha, sound that observe a life, article different Bodhisattva.

3.** draws the outline of outline ** : Draw the outline of the outline of figure of Buddha gently with light color dye or pencil, ensure scale and figure are exact.

4.** of ** fill color: Select each parts of proper color fill figure of Buddha, dress of general figure of Buddha is the grave color such as aureate, red, the skin often is buff or aureate.

5.** detail handles ** : Detail is added in the part such as the facial, dress of figure of Buddha, wait like ministry of eye, brow, lip, the attention shows mercy and majestic bearing.

6.** setting handles ** : Choose proper setting according to need, can be monochromatic setting or it is the background that has indicative sense.

7.** adds hold ** : After finish, can undertake adding holding a ceremony in order to add the divine flavor of figure of Buddha, also can ask knowledge of be apt to to add hold.

8.** protects ** : Equal means protection can choose to be drawn after finishing, lest get,damage or pollute.

The need of figure of Buddha of scale consecrate is attentive and devotional, hope above measure can help you.
