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1. 准备一个专用的供桌或神龛,用以摆放神像。
2. 在供桌或神龛上铺上干净的红布或黄布,以示尊敬。
3. 将树脂神像放置在供桌或神龛的中央位置,神像应该面向房间的主要入口或供奉者。
4. 点燃香烛,向神像敬香,表达虔诚的心意。
5. 可以摆放一些供品,如水果、鲜花、茶叶或甜点,以示对神灵的敬意。
6. 定期清洁和整理供桌或神龛,保持神圣的氛围。



When consecrate colophony God, want to ensure spatial cleanness is orderly above all, can undertake according to the following measure next:

1.Prepare an appropriative altar or shrine, in order to puts God.
2.In the clean red cloth on altar or shrine upper berth or Huang Bu, in order to show respect.
3.Set colophony God the central position in altar or shrine, the person that God should face the main entrance of the room or consecrate.
4.Ignite joss sticks and candles, to God Jing Xiang, express devotional intention.
5.Can put a few offerings, be like fruit, flower, tea or desert, in order to show the respect to deities.
6.Fixed cleanness and arrange altar or shrine, maintain divine atmosphere.

When consecrate colophony God, the most important is devotional with awe-stricken heart, and the esteem to deities and the affection that be thankful.
