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1. 准备供桌:选择一个整洁清净的地方,摆放供桌或供台,可以使用红布或花纹布装饰。

2. 准备神像:选择所崇拜的神祇的像或像,通常是雕塑或画像,可以根据自己的喜好和传统来选择。

3. 点燃香烛:在供桌上点燃香烛,表达敬意和虔诚,也可以用香炉来代替直接点燃。

4. 摆放供品:摆放各种供品,如水果、鲜花、糕点等,表达虔诚和敬意。

5. 祷告礼拜:向神像祈祷,表达自己的愿望和虔诚,可以念经、诵经或唱诵祷词。

6. 定期供养:根据传统,定期对神像进行供养和祭祀,以表达虔诚和信仰。



The means of God of heart lake consecrate can be mixed according to belief traditional and consuetudinary and different. Generally speaking, the process of consecrate God includes the following measure normally:

1.Prepare altar: Choose a neat and kosher place, put credence or offer a desk, can use red cloth or adornment of decorative pattern cloth.

2.Prepare God: Choose adores divine Dai resemble or resemble, it is sculpture or picture normally, can choose according to oneself be fond of and tradition.

3.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited on altar, expressive devoir and devotional, also can replace direct point to light with censer.

4.Put offerings: Put all sorts of offerings, wait like fruit, flower, cake, expression is mixed piously devoir.

5.Devotional chapel: Pray to God, the desire that expresses oneself and devotional, can classics of recite scriptures, Song or word of the pray that sing Song.

6.Make offerings to regularly: The ground is traditional, undertake making offerings to mixing to God regularly sacred, mix in order to convey piously devotional.

These are the measure of general consecrate God only, particular way is possible because of district and belief different.
