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1. **净化清洁:** 在供奉前,确保吊坠干净,并用清水轻轻清洁。可以用一块柔软的布轻拭,去除灰尘和杂物。

2. **准备供品:** 准备一些适合供奉的供品,比如新鲜的水果、鲜花、香烛等。也可以选择金银财物或其他富贵之物。

3. **供奉祭拜:** 将吊坠摆放在合适的位置,可以是供桌、神龛或特定的祭坛上。然后在其周围摆放好供品。

4. **祭拜仪式:** 用虔诚的心态向貔貅神灵祈愿,表达对其的尊敬和信仰。可以轻轻点燃香烛,敬献供品,并默默祈祷或诵读经文。

5. **定期供奉:** 为了保持与貔貅之间的联系,可以定期进行供奉仪式,以示诚心和敬意。



When consecrate condole aing mythical wild animal drops, can choose the following way:

1.** purifies cleanness: ** is before consecrate, ensure condole drops clean, use clear water gently clean. Can use a soft cloth light mop, purify dirt and sundry.

2.** plans offerings: ** plans a few offerings that suit consecrate, for instance fresh fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles. Also can choose the content of bullion property or other riches and honour.

3.** consecrate hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: ** puts condole dropping in proper place, can be altar, shrine or specific altar go up. It is next all round its put good offerings.

4.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** uses devotional state of mind to deities aing mythical wild animal invocatory, express the respect to its and belief. Can ignite joss sticks and candles gently, jing Xian offerings, pray silently or chant lection.

5.** fixed consecrate: ** to maintain with a mythical wild animal the connection between, can undertake consecrate ceremony regularly, in order to show sincere desire and respect.

In consecrate process, need respects the figure that as mythical wild animal with respect, the calm that maintains a heart and devotional.
