Consecrate god is a behavior that is full of devoir and belief, to different religion and devotional system, the way that opens light may differ somewhat. Normally, opening smooth purpose is to petition of deities bless and bless. Best means is according to you the religion of place belief or traditional ceremony undertake.
In buddhism, consecrate God or figure of Buddha need to pass normally abbe or of the Nazarite that has experience add hold. This ceremony includes Song classics, execration normally, light sweet wait for a ceremony.
In christian, a few denomination may have the ceremony that blesses article, for instance holy water or chrismal. The consecrate content that you can look for a priest or priest is you has a blessing.
In Taoism, the ceremony that opens light is chaired by Taoism priest normally, include to light mode of classics of sweet, Song, travel to wait.
As a whole, best means is esteem and the regulation that follow the religion of your place belief or tradition and ceremony, in order to ensure your consecrate received a correct light and blessing.