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1. 准备供奉物品:通常包括鲜花、水果、香烛等。你也可以根据个人喜好和传统习俗选择其他合适的物品。

2. 找到合适的场所:选择一个清净的地方进行供奉,可以是室内的神龛或者户外的祭坛等。

3. 以虔诚心态:在供奉前,心存敬畏和诚意,表达对卧龙铁兽的敬意和祈愿。

4. 摆放供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供奉的地方,可以按照传统顺序摆放或者自行安排。

5. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,代表对卧龙铁兽的尊敬和祈愿。

6. 祷告或诵经:根据个人信仰或传统习俗,进行祷告或诵经,表达心中的愿望和祈求。

7. 虔诚敬拜:以虔诚的心态,向卧龙铁兽敬拜,并表达感恩和敬意。

8. 维持供奉:定期维持供奉,保持心灵的纯净和虔诚的心态。


Lie when consecrate of dragon iron animal, you can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Prepare consecrate article: Include flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles to wait normally. You also can be mixed according to individual be fond of the article with traditional and consuetudinary other and right choice.

2.Find proper place: Choose a kosher place to undertake consecrate, can be indoor shrine or outdoor altar.

3.With devotional state of mind: Before consecrate, the heart is put awe-stricken with sincerity, expression to lying the devoir of dragon iron animal is mixed invocatory.

4.Put offerings: Put ready offerings the place in consecrate, can be put according to traditional order or arrange by oneself.

5.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, delegate to lying the respect of dragon iron animal is mixed invocatory.

6.Prayer or Song classics: According to the individual devotional or the tradition is consuetudinary, have prayer or Song classics, the desire in conveying a heart and invocatory.

7.Devotional Jing Bai: With devotional state of mind, jing Bai of animal of iron of Xiang Wo dragon, convey be thankful and devoir.

8.Maintain consecrate: Maintain consecrate regularly, those who maintain the spirit is pure with devotional state of mind.
