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1. 保存:如果供奉香头是由天然材料制成的,比如木头或植物树脂,你可以选择将其保存在一个干燥、通风的地方。可以用纸袋或小盒子将其包裹好,避免阳光直射和潮湿环境。

2. 焚烧:一些人选择将供奉的香头焚烧作为一种仪式,以表达敬意。你可以在适当的时间点,在安全的环境下将其点燃,并在焚烧过程中默默祈祷或沉思。

3. 埋藏:另一种处理供奉香头的方式是将其埋藏在土壤中。这被认为是一种对大地的回馈,也是一种将香头与自然融合的方式。在埋藏之前,确保将香头包裹在可降解的材料中,以减少对环境的影响。



Consecrate sweet head can undertake handling through the following kinds of means normally:

1.Save: If consecrate sweet head is made by natural material, for instance wood or plant colophony, you can choose to maintain its presence a dry, ventilated place. Can have lapped its with paper bag or caddy, prevent sun point-blank with damp environment.

2.Burn: Choose of a few person selected burns the sweet head of consecrate as a kind of ceremony, in order to express respect. You can be nodded in appropriate time, ignite its below safe environment, burning in the process pray silently or brood.

3.Bury: Another kind of way that handles consecrate sweet head is its bury is in soil. This is considered as a kind to the earth pass on, also be a kind of will sweet head and natural and shirt-sleeve means. Before bury, ensure wrap up of will sweet head is in but in the material of degradation, in order to reduce the effect to the environment.

No matter you choose which kinds of way, what should respect place is consuetudinary with culture tradition.
