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1. 准备供奉物品:供奉太阴真君时,可以准备一些香烛、鲜花、水果、茶水等物品。香烛是必备的,代表着虔诚和敬意。

2. 准备供奉场所:选择一个清洁、安静的地方作为供奉场所,可以是家中的神龛、供奉台或者特定的祭坛。

3. 虔诚祈祷:在供奉太阴真君之前,可以虔诚地祈祷,表达自己的诚意和请求。

4. 点燃香烛:点燃香烛,表示尊敬和祈祷之意,可以默默地或者大声地念诵祈祷文。

5. 奉上供品:将准备好的水果、鲜花等供品摆放在供奉台上,表示对太阴真君的敬意和供养。

6. 心诚则灵:在供奉过程中,保持虔诚的心态,诚心祈求太阴真君的庇佑和保佑。

7. 定期供奉:定期进行供奉,保持对太阴真君的信仰和敬意。



Lunar true gentleman is one of immortals in Taoism belief, true gentleman of consecrate the moon needs to have the following move normally:

1.Prepare consecrate article: When true gentleman of consecrate the moon, can prepare the article such as a few joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, boiled water. Joss sticks and candles is necessary, representing mix piously devoir.

2.Prepare consecrate site: Choose a cleanness, quiet place to regard consecrate as the place, can be the altar with specific perhaps stage of a medium shrine, consecrate.

3.Pray piously: Before true gentleman of consecrate the moon, can pray piously, convey oneself sincerity and request.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, express respect and prayer desire, silently or aloud recites pray prayer.

5.Act according to on offerings: Put the offerings such as ready fruit, flower go up in consecrate stage, the respect that shows true to lunar gentleman and make offerings to.

6.Heart sincere clever: In consecrate process, maintain devotional state of mind, of true gentleman of sincere and invocatory the moon bless and bless.

7.Fixed consecrate: Undertake consecrate regularly, retain the belief of true to lunar gentleman and respect.

Above is the measure of true gentleman of general consecrate the moon, but particular consecrate kind may be mixed because of the area the individual is consuetudinary and differ somewhat.
