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1. **选择合适的位置:** 选择一个高处,以示尊敬,同时避免让人不小心碰到或踩到。最好的位置是可以供奉并轻易清洁的地方。

2. **准备供桌或供台:** 如果你有条件,可以准备一个供桌或供台来摆放神佛像。这个桌子可以简单或华丽,但应保持清洁整洁。

3. **摆放神佛像:** 将神佛像置于供桌或供台上,可以根据自己的喜好选择佛像或神像。根据佛教传统,佛像应该放在正中央,其他的神像则可以根据信仰放置。

4. **供奉香烛和鲜花:** 在神佛像旁边摆放香烛和鲜花,表示虔诚和尊敬。可以在每天或特殊的节日点燃香烛,并摆放新鲜的花朵。

5. **每日祭拜:** 每天或者根据自己的信仰习惯,进行供奉和祭拜。可以燃香、献花、诵经或者默念祷文。

6. **保持清洁:** 定期清理供桌和神佛像,保持清洁整洁,以示尊敬。



Consecrate god figure of Buddha is a kind of devotional devotional expression in the home. You can choose a kosher, quiet place to put divine figure of Buddha, had better avoid to be put in the not clean place such as toilet or kitchen. A few measure are below:

1.** chooses proper place: ** chooses an altitude, in order to show respect, avoid to let the person is come up against not carefully or walk at the same time. Best position is OK consecrate and easily clean place.

2.** prepares altar or offer a desk: ** if you are conditional, can prepare an altar or put divine figure of Buddha for the stage. OK and simple or this table is luxuriant, but should keep clean and neat.

3.** puts divine figure of Buddha: Altar of park of figure of Buddha of ** general god or go up for the stage, can choose figure of Buddha or God according to his be fond of. According to Buddhist tradition, figure of Buddha should be put in midpoint, other God can be placed according to belief.

4.** consecrate joss sticks and candles and flower: ** puts joss sticks and candles and flower by divine figure of Buddha, express to be mixed piously respect. Can be in everyday or special red-letter day ignites joss sticks and candles, put fresh flower.

5.** daily hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: ** perhaps is used to according to his belief everyday, undertake consecrate and hold a memorial ceremony for are done obeisance to. Can light sweet, show classics of flower, Song or silent reads aloud prayer.

6.** keeps clean: ** clears regularly altar and divine figure of Buddha, keep clean and neat, in order to show respect.

The most important is, consecrate god figure of Buddha is a kind of devotional devotional behavior, want to use the heart of low of an awe-stricken He Qian to treat.
