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1. 清洁:先清洁供奉的地方,确保表面干净整洁。
2. 准备:准备好关公摆件、香炉、香、水、花等供品。
3. 摆放:将关公摆件摆放在合适的位置,一般是在神龛的中央或者供奉台的最高处。
4. 点香:点燃香火,向关公摆件祈祷或表达敬意。
5. 祈祷:可以合上双手,闭上眼睛,默默地向关公祈求保佑,或者诵读相关经文或祷文。
6. 献供:将准备好的供品摆放在关公摆件前,可以是水果、糖果、茶水等。
7. 敬拜:合十礼敬,表达虔诚心意。



Consecrate closes fair place can mix according to the individual's belief consuetudinary will undertake. Generally speaking, can choose a quiet and kosher place, for instance the specific perhaps consecrate stage on the shrine in the home, desk, undertake according to the following measure next:

1.Clean: First the place of clean consecrate, ensure the surface is clean and neat.
2.Preparation: Get ready close fair place, the offerings such as censer, sweet, water, flower.
3.Put: Will close fair place put in proper place, it is to be in the center of shrine commonly or the top part of consecrate stage.
4.The dot is sweet: Ignite burning incense, to close fair place pray or express respect.
5.Pray: Can add up to both hands, close an eye, beg silently to Guan Gongqi bless, or chant is relevant lection or prayer.
6.Display for: Put ready offerings closing fair place before, can be fruit, candy, boiled water.
7.Jing Bai: Ceremony of put the palms together is respected, express devotional intention.

These measure are OK make according to the individual's belief and habit adjust appropriately, the most important is a heart sincere clever, sincere consecrate closes fair can get him bless.
