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1. **选择合适的位置:** 在家中选择一个安静、清洁的地方,最好是在客厅或家中的主要房间。确保这个地方不会被杂物堆积,以保持清洁和整洁。

2. **准备供奉品:** 准备一些供奉品,如水果、鲜花、香烛、茶叶、糖果等。你也可以使用象征财富和好运的物品,比如金银器皿、钱币等。

3. **布置供桌:** 在选择的位置摆放一张供桌或供台,上面摆放供奉品。可以用红布或绸缎覆盖供桌,因为红色被认为是吉祥的颜色。

4. **准备祭品:** 每天或每个月,根据个人的信仰和习俗,选择一个固定的时间进行供奉。在供奉时,可以轻轻点燃香烛,并默默祈祷或念诵祈愿文。

5. **保持供桌清洁:** 每隔一段时间,清理供桌上的供奉品,保持供桌的清洁和整洁。这显示了你对太岁的尊重和敬意。



Consecrate an ancient name for the planet Jupiter is a kind of old tradition, people believes this can be dissolved adversity and speak lucky. In the home consecrate an ancient name for the planet Jupiter can take the following step:

1.** chooses proper place: ** chooses a quiet, clean place in the home, had better be the main room in sitting room or home. Ensure this place won't by sundry accumulation, mix in order to keep clean neat.

2.** prepares consecrate to taste: ** prepares a few consecrate to taste, wait like fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, tea, candy. You also can use indicative fortune and lucky article, for instance bullion household utensils, coin.

3.** decorates altar: ** puts a piece of credence in the position of the choice or offer a desk, consecrate is put to taste above. Can enclothe altar with red cloth or silks and satins, because red is considered as lucky color.

4.** plans sacrificial offerings: ** everyday or every month, the belief according to the individual and consuetudinary, choose a fixed time to undertake consecrate. When consecrate, can ignite joss sticks and candles gently, pray silently or recite invocatory article.

5.** maintains altar cleanness: ** every other period of time, clear the consecrate on altar is tasted, the cleanness that retains credence and neat. This showed your esteem to an ancient name for the planet Jupiter and respect.

The means of consecrate an ancient name for the planet Jupiter is OK because of the area different, because this is OK,undertake adjustment according to oneself domestic tradition and individual be fond of. Anyhow, important is to want a heart sincere sincerity, treat this one tradition with sincere desire.
