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1. **祭拜仪式:** 在特定的时间和地点,按照传统的仪式,为女神献上香烛、鲜花、水果等物品,并诚心祈祷请求财运。

2. **奉献财物:** 将金银、贵重珠宝等物品作为奉献,放在女神神龛或神坛上,表示对女神的敬意和信仰。

3. **持续祈祷:** 每日或每周定期向女神祈祷,表达对财运的渴望和期待,同时感谢女神的庇佑和恩惠。

4. **行善积德:** 在女神名下进行慈善和公益事业,积累善德,以此感动女神赐予财富和好运。

5. **心诚意正:** 最重要的是,无论进行何种供奉方式,都要心存诚意,真诚虔诚地对待女神,以求得最好的效果。


Because the means of money of consecrate goddess action is devotional with the tradition different. Generally speaking, you can pass the following means to come consecrate goddess in order to enrol money:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to a ceremony: ** is nodded in specific time and ground, according to traditional ceremony, display for goddess on the article such as joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, pray in earnest request money carry.

2.** consecratory property: ** regards dedication as the article such as bullion, precious gem, put on goddess shrine or altar, express the devoir to goddess and belief.

3.** prays continuously: Daily or ** is weekly pray to goddess regularly, yearn for and expect what expression carries to money, thank goddess at the same time bless and benefaction.

4.Accumulate virtue of ** do good works: ** has charity and commonweal cause in goddess under one's name, accumulate heart of be apt to, touch goddess to bestow with this carry of fortune become reconciled.

5.** heart sincerity: ** is the most important is, no matter undertake why be plantinged consecrate means, want a heart to put good faith, serve goddess sincerely piously, in order to get best result.
