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1. **合适的位置:** 将佛像放置在一个整洁、安静、清净的地方,最好是靠墙的位置,以示尊重和敬意。

2. **高低有序:** 如果有多个佛像,可以根据大小和重要性的不同,逐层摆放,让主要的佛像位于最高层,次要的佛像放在下一层,依此类推。

3. **朝向尊重:** 将佛像朝向正门或者房间内的主要出入口,这样来宾进门时能够第一时间看到佛像,表示欢迎和祝福。

4. **虔诚供养:** 每天定时烧香、上供,表达虔诚心意。可以供养水果、花朵、甘露等,用心供养,感恩礼佛。

5. **尊重顺序:** 在供奉时,注意尊重每尊佛像,不要随意触碰或移动佛像,保持其原有的清洁和整齐。

6. **清洁维护:** 定期清洁佛像和供桌,保持清净。可以用柔软的布轻轻擦拭,避免使用强烈的清洁剂。

7. **诚心祈愿:** 在供奉时,可以诚心祈愿,表达自己的愿望和心愿,希望佛祖保佑自己和家人平安健康、幸福快乐。



Consecrate when many figure of Buddha, you can undertake according to the following means:

1.The place with proper ** : ** places figure of Buddha neat, quiet in, kosher place, had better be the position that relies on a wall, in order to show esteem and respect.

2.** on any account is orderly: If ** has many figure of Buddha, can mix according to size of importance different, chase a layer to put, let main figure of Buddha be located in top layer, less important figure of Buddha is put in below one, the rest may be deduced by analogy.

3.** front respects: Front door of front of ** general figure of Buddha or the main passageway inside the room, when such guest take the door can see figure of Buddha for a short while, express to welcome and be blessed.

4.** makes offerings to piously: ** times everyday burn joss sticks, offer up a sacrifice, express devotional intention. Can make offerings to fruit, flower, manna, make offerings to attentively, be thankful ceremony Buddha.

5.** values order: ** is when consecrate, the attention respects every honour figure of Buddha, do not want optional lay a finger on or mobile figure of Buddha, maintain its original cleanness and orderly.

6.** cleanness safeguards: Figure of Buddha of ** fixed cleanness and altar, keep kosher. Can use soft cloth to be wiped gently, avoid to use intense cleaner.

7.** sincere desire is invocatory: ** is when consecrate, OK and sincere invocatory, express oneself desire and cherished desire, hope Budda blesses oneself and family restful health, happy joy.

Above is consecrate the general pattern of many figure of Buddha, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to individual belief and habit.
