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1. **合理摆放**:将佛像摆放在一个清洁整齐的地方,可以使用佛前供桌或佛龛等物品来摆放。确保每尊佛像都有足够的空间展示。

2. **主尊位置**:如果有多尊佛像,可以选出其中一尊作为主尊,摆放在最显眼的位置,其他佛像则围绕在主尊周围。

3. **礼敬次序**:根据个人信仰或传统,确定每尊佛像的礼敬次序。通常情况下,佛像的摆放次序是根据佛的地位高低来确定的。

4. **虔诚心态**:在供奉佛像时,保持虔诚的心态,表达对佛的尊敬和敬意。可以进行香烛供养、献花等仪式来表达虔诚。

5. **定期打扫**:定期清洁和打扫佛像及其周围的供奉区域,保持清洁整洁的环境,以示尊敬和敬意。



Consecrate when many figure of Buddha, you can undertake according to the following method:

1.** is reasonable put ** : Put figure of Buddha in a clean and orderly place, the goods such as the altar before can using Buddha or niche for a statue of Buddha will put. Ensure every honour figure of Buddha has enough space to reveal.

2.** advocate honour positional ** : If have many honour figure of Buddha, can single out among them one honour as advocate honour, put in the most conspicuous position, other figure of Buddha criterion around be in advocate honour all round.

3.** ceremony respects order ** : According to individual belief or tradition, decide every honour the ceremony of figure of Buddha respects order. Normally the circumstance falls, of figure of Buddha putting order decide according to the positional discretion of Buddha.

4.** of ** devotional state of mind: When consecrate figure of Buddha, maintain devotional state of mind, express the respect to Buddha and respect. Can undertake joss sticks and candles makes offerings to, display the ceremony such as the flower to convey devotional.

5.** cleans ** regularly: Fixed cleanness and sweep figure of Buddha and the consecrate area all round its, maintain clean and neat environment, in order to show respect and respect.

Above is consecrate a few basic methods of many figure of Buddha, you can be mixed according to your belief the habit undertakes adjust and be carryinged out.
