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1. **尊重神灵**:摆放物品时要尊重神灵,不可随意乱放或触碰。通常,神像或神符应该放在最显眼、最尊贵的位置上。

2. **整洁有序**:摆放时要整齐有序,不可杂乱无章。可以使用布置良好的花环、香炉或烛台来装饰供奉场所。

3. **考虑风水**:根据风水学说,供奉物品的摆放要符合一定的规律,以促进正能量的流动。一般来说,神像应该面向房屋的主要出入口或是家庭聚集的地方。

4. **家庭传统**:有些家庭会有特定的传统或习俗,规定了供奉物品的摆放方式。在这种情况下,要尊重并遵循家族传统。



Of consecrate article put depend on normally the tradition of the deities of a consecrate and place is consuetudinary. Generally speaking, consecrate article can be put go up in shrine, altar or specific consecrate stage. When put, need notices the following:

1.** respects deities ** : Deities should be respected when putting goods, cannot be put in disorder at will or lay a finger on. Normally, god or divine accord with should be put in the the most conspicuous, most exalted locally.

2.** is neat and orderly ** : When putting, want orderly and orderly, cannot desultorily. Can use decorate good anadem, censer or candlestick to decorate consecrate room.

3.** considers geomantic ** : According to geomantic doctrine, the puts syncretic wanting accord with to decide rule of consecrate article, in order to promote the flow of energy. Generally speaking, the main passageway that God should face a building or it is the place that the family collects.

4.** of ** family tradition: Some families can have specific tradition or consuetudinary, provided consecrate goods put way. Below this kind of circumstance, should be respected and follow familial tradition.

As a whole, of consecrate article put should pay attention to esteem, neat with discretion, in order to express the devoir to deities and belief.
