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1. **祭拜神像或画像**:在室内或室外设立神龛,摆放太公的神像或画像,然后在适当的时候向其献上香烛、鲜花、水果等供品,表达敬意。

2. **燃香烛**:选用白色香烛,点燃后摆放在供桌上或神龛前,表示虔诚的祭祀。

3. **献上鲜花、水果等食品**:将鲜花、水果等摆放在供桌上或神龛前,作为诚心供奉。

4. **诵读经文或祈祷**:可以诵读太公相关的经文或祈祷文,表达对他的尊敬和祈福之意。

5. **心诚则灵**:最重要的是心诚则灵,虔诚地表达自己的敬意和祈求,这比任何物质供品都更为重要。


Great-grandfather (those who point to is tooth of Jiang Zi of the great politician in fokelore of Chinese ancient time, militarist) when consecrate, can take the following kind:

1.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to God or picture ** : Indoors or room peripheral establishs shrine, put the God of great-grandfather or picture, be in next proper when the offerings such as the joss sticks and candles on Xiang Jixian, flower, fruit, expressive devoir.

2.** lights ** of joss sticks and candles: Choose white joss sticks and candles, after igniting, put go up in altar or before shrine, express devotional sacred.

3.** displays on the food ** such as flower, fruit: Wait for flower, fruit put go up in altar or before shrine, as sincere consecrate.

4.** chant lection or pray ** : Can the lection related chant great-grandfather or pray prayer, express the desire of the respect to him and pray blessing.

5.** heart sincere clever ** : The most important is a heart sincere clever, the respect that expresses oneself piously and invocatory, this is more more important than any corporeal offerings.
