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1. 准备供奉物品:可以准备一张财神像或画像,或者是一尊财神雕像。另外,准备一些水果、糖果、鲜花、香烛等作为供品。

2. 找一个适合的位置:选择一个安静、整洁的地方来供奉财神,最好是在家中的客厅或者神龛等位置。

3. 摆放供奉物品:将财神像或画像放在一个高处,然后在财神前摆放供品,可以摆放水果、糖果等食物,以及鲜花和香烛。

4. 祭拜财神:在摆放好供品后,合掌向财神祈福,可以说些祈求财神保佑家人财运亨通的话语。

5. 定期祭拜:每个月或者每个重要节日,都可以进行一次祭拜,以示诚心和感恩之意。



Mammon of consecrate is in the home can adopt the following measure:

1.Prepare consecrate article: Can prepare God of a piece of money or picture, or one honour mammon is statuary. Additional, prepare a few fruits, candied, flower, joss sticks and candles to wait as offerings.

2.Seek a suitable seat: Choose a quiet, neat place to come consecrate mammon, had better be the sitting room in the home or the position such as shrine.

3.Put consecrate goods: Put money God or picture in an altitude, put offerings before mammon next, can put the fruit, food such as candy, and flower and joss sticks and candles.

4.Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to mammon: After putting good offerings, join a strike with the palm of the hand to mammon pray blessing, can say some of invocatory mammon to bless the speech of be prosperous of family wealth carry.

5.Fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: Every month or every main festival, can undertake hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, in order to show sincere desire and the trace that be thankful.

Consecrate mammon is a kind of belief and tradition, be in again heart sincere clever, hope these measure can help you.
