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1. 选择神明:首先要确定你想向哪位神明许愿。不同的宗教和信仰体系中有各种不同的神灵和神明,你可以根据你的信仰选择。

2. 准备场所:在一个安静、清洁的地方,可以准备一些香烛和供品,以示诚意。

3. 冥想祈祷:在心中默默地向神明表达你的愿望,可以闭上眼睛,专注于内心。

4. 行动:根据你的信仰和传统习俗,你可以点燃香烛,摆放供品,或者进行其他仪式性的行动,以示尊敬和诚意。

5. 表达愿望:在心中清晰地表达你的愿望,可以用语言或思想向神明陈述,希望神明能够听到并满足你的愿望。

6. 感恩:无论愿望是否实现,都要心存感恩,表达对神明的感谢和敬意。



Promise and because the means of consecrate immortal is devotional with culture different. When promise, you can undertake according to the following measure:

1.Choose deities: Want to decide you want to promise to which deities above all. There are all sorts of different deitieses and deities in different religion and devotional system, you can choose according to your belief.

2.Prepare a site: Be in a quiet, clean place, can plan a few joss sticks and candles and offerings, in order to show good faith.

3.Contemplative pray: Express your desire silently to deities, can close an eye, dedicated at the heart.

4.The action: The belief according to you and tradition are consuetudinary, you can ignite joss sticks and candles, put offerings, perhaps have the operation of other ceremony sex, in order to show respect and good faith.

5.Expressive desire: Express your desire clearly in the heart, can use language or thought to be stated to deities, hope deities can be heard and satisfy your desire.

6.Be thankful: No matter whether the desire comes true, want a heart to put be thankful, express the acknowledgment to deities and respect.

Remember, promise and the expressive means that consecrate deities is a kind of belief and heart, important is to be mixed sincerely devotional.
