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1. 选择高质量的檀香:确保购买正宗的檀香产品,质量好的檀香通常香味更浓郁持久。

2. 适量使用:不要一次燃烧太多的檀香,否则可能会使香味过于浓烈,反而不宜。

3. 使用合适的燃烧工具:选择适合檀香的燃烧器具,如檀香炉或燃香炉,确保檀香可以均匀燃烧,释放出最佳的香气。

4. 控制燃烧时间:不要让檀香过度燃烧,一般来说,燃烧15-30分钟左右就可以了,过长时间的燃烧会使香味变得沉闷。

5. 空气流通:保持燃烧檀香的房间通风良好,有利于散发香气,并避免烟雾积聚。

6. 慎重选择时间:选在宁静舒适的时刻供奉檀香,让香气在宁静的氛围中更为突出。

7. 添加辅助物品:有些人会在檀香炉中添加一些草药、花瓣或者香料,以增加香气的层次和浓度。



Want to make white sandalwood fragrance full-bodied, can try the following method:

1.Choose the pride of China of high quality: Ensure buy authentic white sandalwood product, the pride of China with good quality fragrance is more full-bodied and normally abiding.

2.Right amount use: Do not want the pride of China with too much primary combustion, may make fragrance too powerful otherwise, unfavorable instead.

3.Use appropriate combustion tool: The choice suits the combustion appliance of white sandalwood, be like white sandalwood furnace or light censer, ensure white sandalwood can burn equably, release first-rate aroma.

4.Dominate combustion time: Do not make white sandalwood excessive burn, generally speaking, combustion 15-30 or so minutes OK, too long combustion can make fragrance becomes depressing.

5.Airiness: The room that maintains combustion the pride of China is drafty, be helpful for sending out aroma, prevent aerosol accumulation.

6.Choose time cautiously: Choose in halcyon and comfortable hour consecrate the pride of China, make aroma more outstanding in halcyon atmosphere.

7.Add auxiliary article: Some people can add a few medicinal herbs, leaf in white sandalwood furnace or flavor, in order to increase the administrative levels of aroma and concentration.

These methods can help above the fragrance that you let white sandalwood is more abiding and full-bodied.
