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1. **选择供奉地点:** 在家中选择一个安静、清洁、尊贵的地方供奉灵位。通常是在客厅、祭祀室或者家庭成员经常经过的地方。

2. **准备祭品:** 根据传统和信仰选择合适的祭品供奉。常见的祭品包括水果、鲜花、米饭、茶叶、香烛等。有些人也会放置家人喜爱的食物或物品。

3. **安置灵位:** 在供奉地点摆放灵位,可以是一个小的神龛或者供桌,上面放置着先人的照片或者名字牌。

4. **上香献祭:** 在供奉时点燃香烛,虔诚地向先人祭拜并献上祭品,表示对他们的尊敬和怀念。

5. **定期祭拜:** 根据个人或家族的习惯和信仰,选择定期进行祭拜,可以是每月、每季或每年一次。

6. **诚心祈祷:** 在祭拜时,诚心祈祷祝福先人在天之灵,祈求他们的保佑和庇护。



Clever consecrate decides normally according to the belief of family or individual and tradition. Generally speaking, consecrate is clever basic move is as follows:

1.** selects consecrate site: ** chooses a quiet, cleanness, exalted local consecrate spirit in the home. It is normally in sitting room, sacred room or the place that domestic member often passes.

2.** plans sacrificial offerings: ** chooses appropriate oblation according to tradition and belief consecrate. Common oblation includes fruit, flower, rice, tea, joss sticks and candles to wait. Some people also can place the food that family likes or article.

3.** finds a place for clever: ** is put in consecrate place clever, can be a small shrine or altar, the picture that there is forefathers above or name brand.

4.On ** sweet sacrificial: ** ignites joss sticks and candles when consecrate, be done obeisance to to forefathers hold a memorial ceremony for piously and display on oblation, express the respect to them and yearning.

5.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: ** is mixed according to individual or familial habit devotional, the choice undertakes hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to regularly, can be every month, every season or annual.

6.** sincere desire prays: ** is done obeisance to in hold a memorial ceremony for when, sincere desire prays beatific forefathers is in Tian Zhiling, invocatory their bless and shelter.

Remember please, clever a means that consecrate is a kind of respect that expresses pair of parting family members and longing, when undertaking this one ceremony accordingly, need heart puts sincerity and awe-stricken heart.
