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1. 选择一个适合供奉的地方:可以选择家中的一个安静、清洁的地方,摆放一张小桌子或供桌。

2. 准备供品:根据个人喜好和传统习俗,可以准备一些水果、花朵、香烛、饭菜等供品。常见的供品有水果如苹果、香蕉,花朵如鲜花或者花瓣,香如香烛或者香粒,还有米饭等。

3. 摆放供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供桌上,可以用花瓣装饰供桌,摆放香烛,将水果整齐地放在一旁,以示尊敬。

4. 点燃香烛:在供奉开始前点燃香烛,表示虔诚地向家庭菩萨祈福。

5. 祈祷:可以轻声默念或者大声祈祷,表达对家庭菩萨的敬意和虔诚的心愿。可以祈求家庭平安、健康、幸福等。

6. 每天或定期供奉:可以选择每天或者每周特定的时间来供奉家庭菩萨,保持心灵的平静和祈福的心态。



Consecrate family Bodhisattva can undertake according to the individual's belief and habit, include the following measure commonly:

1.Choose a place that suits consecrate: Can choose one of the home quiet, clean place, put a piece of small table or credence.

2.Plan offerings: Mix according to individual be fond of traditional and consuetudinary, can plan the offerings such as a few fruits, flower, joss sticks and candles, meal. Common offerings has a fruit to be like apple, banana, flower if the flower is petaline perhaps, sweet if joss sticks and candles is sweet perhaps grain, still rice waits.

3.Put offerings: Put ready offerings go up in altar, can decorate altar with leaf, put joss sticks and candles, put the fruit trimly in aside, in order to show respect.

4.Ignite joss sticks and candles: Joss sticks and candles is ignited before consecrate begins, express piously blessing of pray of Bodhisattva of homeward front courtyard.

5.Pray: Light tone silent reads aloud or can pray aloud, express the devoir of pair of family Bodhisattva and sincere cherished desire. OK and invocatory family is restful, healthy, happy wait.

6.Everyday or fixed consecrate: Can choose everyday weekly perhaps and specific time comes consecrate family Bodhisattva, maintain the state of mind of interior calm and pray blessing.

Consecrate family Bodhisattva is a kind of devotional expression and heart is placatory, can undertake according to the individual's circumstance and be fond of.
