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1. **选择供奉的地点:** 在家中选择一个安静、干净、尊重的地方,通常是祖先牌位或祖先神龛。

2. **准备祭品:** 祭品包括水果、鲜花、糖果、茶叶、米饭、酒等食品和饮料。根据个人或家族的信仰和习惯,也可以准备其他特殊的祭品。

3. **准备香烛:** 使用香烛来表示对祖先的尊敬和祈福。选择高质量的香和纯净的蜡烛。

4. **摆放祭台:** 将祭品摆放在祭台上,按照传统的次序和位置进行摆放,通常是先摆放水果、鲜花等食品,再摆放糖果、茶叶等物品,最后是香烛。

5. **祭拜祖先:** 点燃香烛,跪拜于祭台前,虔诚地向祖先祈福,表达对祖先的尊敬和怀念之情。可以祈求祖先保佑家人健康、幸福、平安。

6. **定期祭拜:** 定期进行祭拜,比如每月、每季或每年的特定日期,以表达对祖先的尊敬和思念之情。



Consecrate ancestor is one of Chinese traditional culture important ceremony, normally need follows the following move:

1.** selects the site of consecrate: ** chooses place of a quiet, clean, valued in the home, it is ancestral memorial tablet or ancestral shrine normally.

2.** plans sacrificial offerings: ** oblation includes food and the beverage such as fruit, flower, candied, tea, rice, wine. According to individual or familial belief and habit, also can plan other and special sacrificial offerings.

3.** prepares joss sticks and candles: ** uses joss sticks and candles to show the respect to the ancestor and pray good fortune. Those who choose high quality is sweet with pure candle.

4.** puts station of hold a memorial ceremony for: ** puts oblation go up in stage of hold a memorial ceremony for, undertake putting according to traditional order and position, it is to put the fruit, food such as the flower first normally, put the goods such as candied, tea again, finally is joss sticks and candles.

5.** hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to an ancestor: ** ignites joss sticks and candles, worship on bended knees at stage of hold a memorial ceremony for before, piously blessing of Xiang Zuxian pray, express the feeling of the respect to the ancestor and yearning. OK and invocatory ancestor blesses family healthy, happy, restful.

6.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to: ** undertakes hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to regularly, for instance every month, every season or annual specific date, in order to express the feeling of the respect to the ancestor and longing.

Hold a memorial ceremony for does obeisance to an ancestor is a kind of belief in Chinese traditional culture and ceremony, respecting an ancestor is one of traditional goodness of the Chinese nation.
