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1. **选择供奉地点:** 在家中选择一个安静、整洁的地方,可以摆放神像或者供桌。

2. **准备供品:** 供品可以包括水果、鲜花、香烛、茶叶等,也可以根据个人的喜好和习俗选择。

3. **燃香点烛:** 在供奉天爷爷的时候,点燃香烛,表达对神灵的尊敬和祈福之意。

4. **祈祷供奉:** 在燃香点烛后,可以虔诚地向天爷爷祈祷,表达自己的心愿和感恩之情。

5. **定期供奉:** 可以选择每天、每周或者每月固定的时间来供奉天爷爷,保持虔诚的信仰。



Day grandfather is the deity that points to Chinese tradition commonly, the means of consecrate day grandfather has a lot of kinds, basically depend on the individual's belief and consuetudinary. Generally speaking, the means of consecrate day grandfather can include the following measure:

1.** selects consecrate site: ** chooses a quiet, neat place in the home, can put God or altar.

2.** plans offerings: ** offerings can include fruit, flower, joss sticks and candles, tea to wait, also can mix according to the individual's be fond of consuetudinary choice.

3.** burns sweet dot candle: ** is in consecrate day grandfather when, ignite joss sticks and candles, express the desire of the respect to deities and pray blessing.

4.** prays consecrate: ** is in after lighting sweet dot to illuminate, can pray to day grandfather piously, express oneself wish and the feeling that be thankful.

5.** fixed consecrate: ** can choose everyday, the time that perhaps secures every months every week comes consecrate day grandfather, hold religious belief.

As a whole, the means of consecrate day grandfather is OK because area, family is consuetudinary,differ somewhat, the most important is a heart sincere clever, can with earnestly and sincerely consecrate day grandfather.
