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1. **选择合适的位置**:选择一个干净整洁、尊贵的位置,供奉画像不受损坏或污染,并能够得到人们的尊敬和崇敬。

2. **准备供奉物**:这可能包括鲜花、水果、香烛等,根据信仰和传统而定。

3. **清洁身心**:在供奉之前,确保身心洁净,可以通过洗手、洗脸等方式净化自己。

4. **祈祷或诵经**:根据信仰的不同,进行相应的祈祷、念经或诵读经文,表达虔诚的心意。

5. **献供奉物**:将准备好的供奉物摆放在画像前,表达对被供奉者的敬意和敬畏之心。

6. **敬拜和感恩**:用敬虔的心态向被供奉者致敬,表达感恩和虔诚。

7. **定期供奉**:根据传统或个人信仰的要求,可能需要定期进行供奉,以维持与被供奉者的联系和尊敬。



Because the method of consecrate picture is devotional with culture setting different. Generally speaking, the people of consecrate picture can follow the following move normally:

1.** chooses appropriate positional ** : Choose a clean and neat, exalted position, consecrate picture does not get attaint or pollution, the respect that can get people and esteem.

2.** prepares consecrate content ** : This may include flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles to wait, decide according to belief and tradition.

3.** of ** clean body and mind: Before consecrate, ensure body and mind is clean, can pass wash one's hands, wash the means such as the face to purify his.

4.** prays or Song classics ** : The basis differs devotionally, undertake corresponding prayer, recite scriptures or chant lection, express devotional intention.

5.** displays consecrate content ** : Put ready consecrate thing before the picture, expression is right by consecrate person devoir and awe-stricken heart.

6.** Jing Bai and be thankful ** : The state of mind that uses Jing Qian to by consecrate person greeting, expression is thankful and devotional.

7.** of ** fixed consecrate: According to tradition or the individual's devotional requirement, the likelihood needs to undertake consecrate regularly, in order to maintain with by consecrate person connection and respect.

Anyhow, the process of consecrate picture is a kind of expression is mixed piously awe-stricken ceremony, can undertake adjust and be carryinged out according to the individual's belief and tradition.
