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1. **选择神像:** 首先,你需要选择一个神像进行供奉。这可能是你信仰的神灵或某个特定的神像。

2. **完成供奉任务:** 有些供奉神像的奖励需要你完成一些特定的任务或行为。这些任务可能包括参加宗教仪式、捐赠给教堂或慈善机构、参与社区服务等。

3. **尊重神像:** 在完成任务或行为时,要尊重你所供奉的神像。这包括遵循宗教仪式和礼仪,以及保持虔诚和敬意。

4. **奖励领取:** 完成任务后,你可能会从神像或相关宗教机构那里获得奖励。这可能是精神上的满足感、祝福,或者是实际的物质奖励,如神圣物品或礼物。



Obtain consecrate God award to need to fulfil a few specific tasks or requirement normally. Specific for, you may need to finish a few more the following measure:

1.** chooses God: ** above all, you need to choose a God to undertake consecrate. The deities that this may be your belief or a certain specific God.

2.** finishs consecrate job: The award of God of ** some consecrate needs you to complete a few specific tasks or action. These tasks may include to attend ritual, donate cathedral or beneficent orgnaization, participate in community service to wait.

3.** respects God: When ** is completing the task or action, want to respect the God of your place consecrate. This includes to abide by ritual and formal, and keep devotional with devoir.

4.** award gets: After ** finishs the job, you may from award is won over there God or relevant religion orgnaization. This may be the contented feeling on spirit, blessing, practical perhaps matter is rewarded, be like divine article or gift.

Remember, different religion and devotional system may have different consecrate God to reward means, so best means is the cacique that belongs to religion to you or clergyman seek advice, in order to get more accurate information.
