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### 文殊菩萨供奉仪轨

#### 开始仪式
1. 心诚净洁,供奉前深呼吸三次,静心准备。
2. 点燃清香,表示虔诚敬意。
3. 双手合十,念净心咒或三宝心咒,表达敬意和虔诚。

#### 向文殊菩萨祈愿
1. 心存虔诚,向文殊菩萨祈愿,表达自己的愿望和感恩之情。
2. 可以念诵文殊菩萨心咒或者自己的祈愿文辞。

#### 奉献供品
1. 将准备好的供品摆放在供桌前。
2. 双手合十,念诵感恩文辞,表达对文殊菩萨的敬意和感恩。
3. 逐一将供品奉献给文殊菩萨,表达心诚。
4. 奉上香烛、鲜花、水果、素食或其他供品。

#### 闭关仪式
1. 念诵感恩文辞,表达对文殊菩萨的敬意和感恩。
2. 表达愿望,祈愿心愿达成。
3. 双手合十,心存感恩之情,结束供奉仪式。

#### 结束仪式
1. 熄灭香烛,清理供桌。
2. 心存感恩,默念文殊菩萨心咒或者感恩之辞。
3. 供奉结束,恭敬退出。




Article different Bodhisattva is one of serious a term applied to a kindhearted person in buddhism, bodhisattva of consecrate article different needs to write consecrate appearance course according to Buddhist tradition.


Course of appearance of consecrate of Bodhisattva of ### article different

#### begins a ceremony
1.Heart sincere clean clean, the deep breathing before consecrate 3, static heart prepares.
2.Ignite faint scent, show devotional respect.
3.Both hands put the palms together, read aloud clean heart cuss or cuss of 3 treasure heart, expressive devoir and devotional.

Bodhisattva of #### Xiang Wenshu is invocatory
1.The heart is put devotional, xiang Wenshu Bodhisattva is invocatory, express oneself desire and the feeling that be thankful.
2.Can recite cuss of heart of article different Bodhisattva or oneself invocatory diction.

#### consecratory offerings
1.Put ready offerings before altar.
2.Both hands put the palms together, recite be thankful diction, the respect that expresses pair of article different Bodhisattva and be thankful.
3.One by one gives Wen Shu a term applied to a kindhearted person offerings dedication, expressive heart sincere.
4.Act according to on joss sticks and candles, flower, fruit, maigre or other offerings.

#### shuts type passing gift
1.Recite be thankful diction, the respect that expresses pair of article different Bodhisattva and be thankful.
2.Expressive desire, invocatory wish is reached.
3.Both hands put the palms together, the heart puts the feeling that be thankful, end consecrate ceremony.

#### ends a ceremony
1.Extinguish joss sticks and candles, clear altar.
2.The heart is put be thankful, silent studies the decline that cuss of heart of article different Bodhisattva perhaps is thankful.
3.Consecrate ends, respect is exited.


This is a brief Wen Shu course of Bodhisattva consecrate appearance sets an example, actual consecrate ceremony can undertake adjustment according to the habit of individual or fane and tradition.
