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1. **选择合适的水果:** 一般选择逝者喜欢的水果或者当地常见的水果。常用的有苹果、梨、香蕉、桔子等。

2. **清洁水果:** 把水果清洗干净,确保表面干净卫生。

3. **准备装置:** 准备一个浅盘或者碟子来摆放水果,也可以准备一些瓷器或者玻璃瓶子来装水果。

4. **摆放方式:** 把水果整齐地摆放在墓碑或者墓地周围,表示对逝者的尊敬和思念。

5. **添加其他物品:** 除了水果,你也可以放一些逝者喜欢的其他食物或者鲜花,以及香烛等。



Consecrate fruit arrives the expressive devoir that graveyard is a kind of tradition and the kind that mark parting dear one. You can choose to be in special day, be like the birthday of the person that tomb-sweeping day perhaps dies, head for graveyard to undertake consecrate. The following should notice when preparing a fruit:

1.** chooses appropriate fruit: The fruit that the person that ** chooses to die commonly likes or place's common fruit. Commonly usedly apple, pear, banana, orange waits.

2.** clean fruit: ** washs the fruit clean, ensure the surface is clean and wholesome.

3.** plans unit: ** prepares a pan or small dish will put a fruit, also can prepare a few china or vitreous bottle will install a fruit.

4.** puts way: ** puts the fruit trimly in gravestone or all round graveyard, express the respect of pair of person that die and longing.

5.** adds other goods: ** besides the fruit, the other food that you also can put a few person that die to like or flower, and joss sticks and candles.

Consecrate fruit arrives the means that graveyard is a kind of longing that conveys pair of parting family members and yearning, but the custom habit that ensures to place is respected when undertaking please and regulation.
