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1. **选择神像或神物:** 根据你所信仰的神,选择一个适合的神像或神物。这可以是雕像、图片、画像或其他物品。

2. **准备供品:** 准备一些供品,如水、果实、米饭、糖果、花等。这些供品通常代表着尊敬和敬意。

3. **清洁准备:** 清洁供奉的区域,确保神台或供桌干净整洁。

4. **摆放神像:** 将选择的神像或神物摆放在供奉区域的中心位置。

5. **点燃香烛:** 点燃香烛,表示尊敬和虔诚。你可以选择香烛的种类和颜色,以符合你的信仰。

6. **行祈祷或念经:** 根据你的信仰,进行祈祷或念经。表达你的心意、感谢和请求神的保佑。

7. **献上供品:** 将准备好的供品摆放在神像或神物前,作为对神的供养和奉献。

8. **保持定期供奉:** 定期保持供奉的习惯,可以每天、每周或每月进行一次。这样可以保持与神之间的联系和信仰。



The god in consecrate home can be mixed according to different belief the tradition will undertake. Generally speaking, you are OK according to the following measure:

1.** selects God or phenomenon: ** basis the god of your place belief, select a suitable God or phenomenon. This can be statuary, picture, picture or other goods.

2.** plans offerings: ** plans a few offerings, wait like water, fructification, rice, candied, flower. These offerings are representing respect and devoir normally.

3.** cleanness prepares: The area of ** clean consecrate, ensure divine table or altar are clean and neat.

4.** puts God: ** puts the God of the choice or wonder the central position in consecrate area.

5.** ignites joss sticks and candles: ** ignites joss sticks and candles, state respect is mixed devotional. You can choose the sort of joss sticks and candles and color, in order to accord with your belief.

6.** prays all right or recite scriptures: ** basis your belief, undertake prayer or recite scriptures. The intention that expresses you, acknowledgment is blessed with what request a god.

7.** displays on offerings: ** puts ready offerings before God or wonder, serve as pair of gods make offerings to and dedicate.

8.** maintains fixed consecrate: ** holds the convention of consecrate regularly, can everyday, weekly or undertake every months. Can maintain so with the connection between the god and belief.

Remember, the means of consecrate may be mixed because of belief traditional and differ somewhat, had better undertake adjustment according to oneself devotional setting and habit so.
