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1. **选择供奉的位置:** 选择一个安静整洁、不受打扰的地方,可以是客厅、书房或者家中的特定区域。

2. **准备牌位:** 准备一个小桌子或架子作为供奉牌位,上面摆放着神像、牌位或照片,用于供奉祖先或家族先人。

3. **摆放供品:** 在牌位前摆放供品,如鲜花、水果、茶水、香烛等。供品的选择可以根据家庭传统或个人喜好来确定。

4. **燃香祭拜:** 燃香拜祭是中国传统的一种方式,可以选择一种香,点燃后向神像或牌位行三鞠躬、三叩头、三拜礼。

5. **诚心祷告:** 在供奉过程中,诚心祷告表达对祖先或先人的尊敬、祝福和感恩之情,也可以祈求他们的保佑和庇护。

6. **定期祭奠:** 根据家族传统或个人习惯,定期进行祭奠活动,如每月、每季或每年的特定日期。

7. **保持清洁:** 定期清洁供奉牌位及其周围的环境,保持整洁和尊重。



The means of memorial tablet of consecrate is in the home because of the person different, have the following move normally:

1.** chooses the place of consecrate: ** chooses quiet and neat, do not get intrusive place, can be sitting room, study or the location in the home.

2.** prepares memorial tablet: ** prepares a small table or frame to regard consecrate as memorial tablet, there are God, memorial tablet or picture above, use at consecrate ancestor or familial forefathers.

3.** puts offerings: ** puts offerings before memorial tablet, wait like flower, fruit, boiled water, joss sticks and candles. The choice of offerings can decide according to domestic tradition or individual be fond of.

4.** lights sweet hold a memorial ceremony for to do obeisance to: ** is lighted sweet a kind of means that doing obeisance to hold a memorial ceremony for is Chinese tradition, can choose a kind sweet, ignite backward God or memorial tablet travel 3 bow, 3 kowtow, 3 do obeisance to a ceremony.

5.** sincere desire is devotional: ** is in consecrate process, the respect that sincere prayer expresses pair of ancestors or forefathers, blessing and the affection that be thankful, OK also and invocatory their bless and shelter.

6.** fixed hold a memorial ceremony for: ** is used to according to familial tradition or individual, have activity of hold a memorial ceremony for regularly, be like every month, every season or annual specific date.

7.** keeps clean: Memorial tablet of consecrate of ** fixed cleanness reachs the environment all round its, keep neat with esteem.

Above is pattern of general consecrate memorial tablet only, particular operation still needs to be adjusted according to individual or familial belief and tradition.
