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1. 准备供奉物品:菩萨奶奶供奉通常需要一尊菩萨奶奶的像,可以是木雕、石雕或者其他材质的像;香、花、水果等供品也是必备的。你可以根据自己的喜好和能力选择合适的供品。

2. 设立供奉台:在家中选择一个清静干净的地方,摆放供奉台。可以用一块干净的布或者纸张铺在桌面上,将菩萨奶奶像和供品摆放在供奉台上。

3. 打扫净土:在进行供奉之前,要先打扫供奉台周围的环境,确保环境清洁整洁,以示诚意。

4. 点燃香火:点燃香火,并在心中默念虔诚的祈愿或者诵经,表达自己的敬意和愿望。

5. 奉上供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供奉台上,虔诚地向菩萨奶奶献上。

6. 诚心祈愿:在供奉的过程中,可以虔诚地向菩萨奶奶祈愿自己的愿望,或者表达感恩之情。

7. 每日供奉:最好能够每日坚持进行供奉,以表达自己的虔诚和信仰。



Ask Bodhisattva grandma consecrate to need work of a few preparation, concrete move is as follows:

1.Prepare consecrate article: Bodhisattva grandma consecrate needs normally one honour of Bodhisattva grandma picture, can be woodcarving, stone carving other perhaps material resembles character; The offerings such as sweet, flower, fruit also is necessary. You can choose appropriate offerings according to your be fond of and ability.

2.Establish consecrate desk: A quiet and clean place chooses in the home, put consecrate station. Can use a clean cloth or paper shop is on the desktop, a term applied to a kindhearted person grandma resembling and offerings are put go up in consecrate stage.

3.Clean Sukhavati: Before undertaking consecrate, want to clean the environment all round consecrate stage first, ensure environmental cleanness is neat, in order to show good faith.

4.Ignite burning incense: Ignite burning incense, read aloud in the silent in the heart devotional invocatory or Song classics, express oneself devoir and desire.

5.Act according to on offerings: Put ready offerings go up in consecrate stage, display to Bodhisattva grandma piously on.

6.Sincere desire is invocatory: In the process of consecrate, can piously to Bodhisattva grandma invocatory oneself desire, perhaps express the feeling that be thankful.

7.Daily consecrate: Best can daily insist to undertake consecrate, with him expression mix piously devotional.

Above asks the basic measure of Bodhisattva grandma consecrate namely, hope to be helped somewhat to you.
