1. 汤圆:象征团圆和完整,寓意全家人团聚。
2. 粽子:代表团结和和睦,有时也代表着家族的安康。
3. 糯米饭:象征着丰收和富足,祈求来年五谷丰登。
4. 红枣:寓意生活甜美、幸福安康。
5. 酒:代表庆祝和欢乐,也可以用来祭祀祖先。
Solstitial the food that places consecrate to comprise a few indicative bumper harvests and reunion normally, for example:
1.Stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup: Indicative reunion and complete, person of implied meaning family reunites.
2.Zhongzi: Delegacy writtens guarantee and harmonious, also representing sometimes familial in good health.
3.Meal of polished glutinous rice: Indicative bumper harvest and abundant, golden harvests of invocatory the coming year.
4.Red jujube: Implied meaning life is happy and melting, in good health.
5.Wine: The delegate is celebrated and happy, also can use sacred ancestor.
You can put these food go up in altar, pray next and display on cordial intention. In the meantime, you are OK also add other edibles or ceremony according to his domestic tradition or devotional habit.