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1. 选择一个适合供奉的位置,最好是家中的正南方或者大门口,这是传统供奉关公的位置。
2. 准备一个精美的关公像,可以是雕塑、画像或者其他形式的艺术品,选择一个形象生动、气势凌人的关公形象。
3. 在供奉的位置摆放一个供奉台或者供桌,将关公像放在台上,可以用红色布料或者鲜花装饰台面。
4. 在关公像前摆放香炉和香烛,点燃香烛,上香致敬关公。
5. 每天定时上香祭拜,表达对关公的敬意和祈求。



Consecrate closes fair one of the most good-looking methods are:
1.Choose a place that suits consecrate, had better be the home is medium southern big perhaps entrance, this is traditional consecrate closes official position.
2.Prepare to close elegantly fair picture, can be sculpture, picture the artwork of other perhaps form, choose a figure of person of approach of vivid, imposing manner pass official figure.
3.Station of a consecrate is put in the position of consecrate or altar, will close fair resemble be being put on the stage, can use gules material or the flower decorates mesa.
4.Closing fair censer and joss sticks and candles are put before resembling, ignite joss sticks and candles, sweet greeting closes on fair.
5.Time everyday on sweet hold a memorial ceremony for is done obeisance to, the respect with public to closing expression and invocatory.

Do obeisance to with sincere hold a memorial ceremony for through be being decorated meticulously, can make close fair consecrate to get more majestic and solemn and respectful, also more force feels.
