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1. **选择佛像或佛像画**:根据自己的信仰选择一尊佛像或佛像画,如释迦牟尼佛、观音菩萨、地藏菩萨等。

2. **准备供品**:可以准备鲜花、水果、香烛、清水等供品。其中,水果要新鲜,香烛要点燃,水要保持清洁。

3. **清洁小佛堂**:在供奉之前,要确保小佛堂的环境干净整洁,可以用清水擦拭桌面、整理供品等。

4. **供奉佛像**:将选好的佛像放置在小佛堂中心位置,或挂在墙上。在佛像前摆放好供品。

5. **虔诚祈愿**:在供奉的过程中,心诚则灵。可以默念或诵读经文,表达虔诚的祈愿和感恩之情。

6. **定期供养**:定期进行供奉和祈祷,保持对佛堂的尊敬和信仰。



Consecrate small family hall for worshipping Buddha should be mixed according to individual belief traditional and consuetudinary, but include the following measure commonly:

1.** chooses figure of Buddha or figure of Buddha draws ** : Choose according to oneself belief one honour figure of Buddha or picture of figure of Buddha, if Bodhisattva of Sakyamuni Buddha, avalokitesvara, ground hides Bodhisattva,wait.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Can plan the offerings such as flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles, clear water. Among them, the fruit wants fresh, joss sticks and candles wants to ignite, water should keep clean.

3.** of ** cleanness small family hall for worshipping Buddha: Before consecrate, want to ensure the environment of small family hall for worshipping Buddha is clean and neat, can wipe a desktop with clear water, arrange offerings to wait.

4.** of ** consecrate figure of Buddha: Place the figure of Buddha that has chosen in position of center of small family hall for worshipping Buddha, or hang on the wall. Good offerings is put before figure of Buddha.

5.** is devotional and invocatory ** : In the process of consecrate, heart sincere clever. Can silent reads aloud or chant lection, expression is devotional invocatory with the affection that be thankful.

6.** makes offerings to regularly ** : Undertake consecrate is mixed regularly pray, hold the respect to family hall for worshipping Buddha and belief.

Above is the measure of general consecrate small family hall for worshipping Buddha, can undertake be adjustmented appropriately according to individual circumstance and belief.
