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1. **清洁整齐**:保持供桌的清洁整洁非常重要。定期擦拭桌面,清理香灰,确保供品干净卫生。

2. **摆放合适的供品**:根据自己的信仰和习俗,选择合适的供品摆放在供桌上,比如水果、糕点、鲜花、香烛等。可根据节气和特殊节日调整供品。

3. **心诚意真**:供奉时要心诚意真,表达对祖先或信仰的尊重和感激之情。虔诚的心态是最重要的。

4. **定期更换供品**:不要让供品过期变质,要定期更换新鲜的供品。这不仅是尊重祖先,也是表达对神灵的敬意。

5. **谨慎选择香烛**:选择无毒、无烟、无味的香烛,避免对家人健康造成影响。

6. **合理的摆放位置**:供桌最好放在家中安静祥和的地方,尽量避免靠近厨房、卫生间等地方。

7. **参拜和祈祷**:定期参拜供桌,向祖先祈福,祈求平安和健康。可以在特殊日子举行祭祀仪式,表达对祖先的思念和感恩之情。



Altar is the very important one part in Chinese traditional culture, consecrate has been gotten not only can pray blessing, also be the esteem to the ancestor. It is a few proposals below:

1.** cleanness is orderly ** : The cleanness that retains credence is neat special and important. Wipe a desktop regularly, clear sweet ash, ensure offerings is clean and wholesome.

2.** puts appropriate offerings ** : The belief according to oneself and consuetudinary, the offerings with right choice is put go up in altar, for instance fruit, cake, flower, joss sticks and candles. Can adjust offerings according to solar term and special red-letter day.

3.True ** of ** heart sincerity: Heart sincerity wants when consecrate true, express pair of ancestors or devotional esteem and appreciative feeling. Devotional state of mind is the most important.

4.** changes regularly offerings ** : Do not let offerings expire degenerative, should change regularly new offerings. This is esteem ancestor not only, also be the respect that expresses pair of deities.

5.** discretion chooses ** of joss sticks and candles: Choose joss sticks and candles of avirulent, smokeless, dull, avoid to cause an effect to family health.

6.** puts positional ** reasonably: Altar had better be put in the quiet and auspicious place in the home, avoid to stand by the place such as kitchen, toilet as far as possible.

7.** pay homage to and pray ** : Altar of fixed pay homage to, to ancestral pray blessing, invocatory and restful with health. Sacred ceremony can be held in special day, express the longing to the ancestor and the feeling that be thankful.

Anyhow, the belief that the consecrate means of altar wants to accord with his and consuetudinary, the most important is earnestly and sincerely, esteem is traditional, express pair of ancestors and devotional respect.
