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1. **种类选择**:栖木的种类应该适合你所要供奉的对象。例如,如果是要给宠物鸟供奉,可以选择适合鸟类停留的树木或枝条。

2. **环境适应**:栖木应该适应所处环境的气候和条件。例如,如果你的家里比较干燥,可以选择比较耐旱的植物作为栖木。

3. **大小和形状**:栖木的大小和形状应该能够提供足够的空间给供奉的对象,同时也要考虑到放置的位置空间。

4. **安全性**:确保选择的栖木没有尖锐的边角或其他可能会伤害到供奉对象的部分。

5. **美观性**:栖木的外观也要考虑,选择与家居装饰风格相符合的栖木会更加美观。



Want to find the perch that suits consecrate, can consider the following above all:

1.** sort chooses ** : The sort of perch should suit the boy or girl friend that you want consecrate. For example, if be to should give pet bird consecrate, can choose to suit avian the tree that stay or branch.

2.** environment gets used to ** : Perch should suit located environmental climate and condition. For example, if be compared in your home dry, can choose to be able to bear or endure quite the plant of drought serves as perch.

3.** size and appearance ** : The size of perch and appearance should the target that can offer enough space to give consecrate, also want to consider placement positional space at the same time.

4.** security ** : The horn side ensure the perch of the choice does not have acuteness or other the share that may hurt consecrate object.

5.** of ** beautiful sex: The exterior of perch also wants a consideration, choice and the perch that photograph of household adornment color accords with will be more beautiful.

The beautiful store that you can reach place or horticultural inn search appropriate perch, also can search pertinent information on Internet.
