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美国要开美洲峰会,可知盟友都是炮灰? 小象漫评(英语双语阅读)


美国要开美洲峰会,可知盟友都是炮灰? 小象漫评(英语双语阅读)

LA summit reminds how US treats its friends

美国要开美洲峰会,可知盟友都是炮灰? | 小象漫评

The US has invited “democracies” in America to a summit in Los Angeles from June 6 to 10.

美国邀请美洲“民主”国家 到洛杉矶参加美洲峰会

It is absurd. Why should the US be the arbiter of which countries are a democracy or not?

这么干可有点飘 什么时候美国的民主 成了世界上唯一的标杆?

The US’ intention is obvious: To make allies of those it considers “democracies”. Yet look at how it treats its allies?

而且美国意图明显 就是拉盟友跟自己干 但谁不知道给美国当盟友 只会被坑又献丑?

It nixed France’s billion dollar submarine deal with Australia.

法国是美国盟友 却被美国暗箱操作 抢掉核潜艇大单

It eavesdropped on the German chancellor.

德国是美国盟友 领导人却被美国严密监视

It imposed sanctions against Russia without considering what impacts they would have on the EU.

欧盟是美国盟友 却因为制裁俄罗斯差点“断气”

And Japan has suffered much from joining it in challenging the one-China principle.

日本是美国盟友 在美国带领下挑战“一中原则” 必将撞得头破血流

A kindly reminder to the invitees to the Summit of the Americas: Be careful, and do not fall into the US’ trap.

参会的美洲国家长点心 别被美国坑了 还帮美国数钱




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