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1. 准备供品:准备一些清净的水、鲜花、香、果实等供品,以表示虔诚和尊敬。
2. 净化身心:在供奉前,进行身心的净化,可以通过冥想或念经等方式来净化心灵。
3. 准备施无畏印:将施无畏印放置在供桌或专用的供奉台上,确保它处于整洁清净的环境中。
4. 念经礼赞:可以念诵佛经或祈祷文,向施无畏印祈求庇佑和保护。
5. 点香烛:点燃香烛,表示虔诚和敬意。
6. 献供品:将准备好的供品摆放在供奉台上,表示对施无畏印的供养。
7. 虔诚祈祷:闭目祈祷,表达自己的愿望和请求,向施无畏印祈求庇佑和保护。
8. 供养结束:在心中感谢施无畏印的加持和庇佑,表示供养结束。



Apply dauntless imprinting is a kind of musical instruments used in a Buddhist or Taoist mass in buddhism, use at protect and removing abominable effect normally. Consecrate is applied dauntless when imprinting, can take the following step:

1.Plan offerings: Plan the offerings such as a few kosher water, flower, sweet, fructification, respect with expressing to be mixed piously.
2.Purify body and mind: Before consecrate, have body and mind purify, can pass contemplative or the means such as recite scriptures will purify the heart.
3.Preparation applies dauntless imprint: Will apply dauntless imprint place go up in altar or appropriative consecrate stage, in ensuring it is in neat and kosher environment.
4.Assist of recite scriptures ceremony: Can recite sutra or pray prayer, to apply dauntless Yin Qi to beg bless and protect.
5.Dot joss sticks and candles: Ignite joss sticks and candles, express to be mixed piously devoir.
6.Present offerings: Put ready offerings go up in consecrate stage, express dauntless to applying imprint make offerings to.
7.Pray piously: Shut eye to pray, convey oneself desire and request, to apply dauntless Yin Qi to beg bless and protect.
8.Make offerings to end: In the heart acknowledgment is applied dauntless imprint add hold and bless, express to make offerings to end.

Above is general consecrate is applied dauntless imprinted measure, specific can undertake adjustment according to individual belief and habit.
