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1. 菩萨像:可以在家中设立文殊菩萨的像,放置在一个清净的地方,供奉时可以点香、献花、祈祷。

2. 经书:可以准备《文殊师利菩萨心咒》或者其他与文殊菩萨有关的经书,每天诵读或者放在供桌上以示尊敬。

3. 祈愿和供养:可以每日或者每周举行供养仪式,供奉水果、花朵、饭食等食物,并且诚心祈愿智慧和学业上的进步。

4. 感恩行为:表达对文殊菩萨的供养和帮助,可以通过帮助他人、尊重他人、修行智慧等方式来回报文殊菩萨的恩德。



Article different Bodhisattva is wisdom and knowledge is indicative, accordingly Bodhisattva of consecrate article different can pass the following means to convey respect and devotional:

1.Bodhisattva resembling: Can be in what Wen Shu a term applied to a kindhearted person creates in the home to resemble, place in a kosher place, can nod when consecrate sweet, present a flower, pray.

2.Confusion classics: Can prepare " cuss of heart of Bodhisattva of profit of Wen Shu division " other perhaps the Confusion classics that with Wen Shu Bodhisattva concerns, everyday chant perhaps is put on altar to be respected in order to show.

3.Invocatory and make offerings to: OK and daily perhaps hold every week make offerings to ceremony, consecrate fruit, flower, dietary wait for food, and sincere and invocatory wisdom is mixed the progress on school work.

4.Be thankful behavior: Convey pair of article different Bodhisattva make offerings to and help, can wait for means to sign up for the favor of article different Bodhisattva back and forth through helping wisdom of other, esteem other, cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine.

A term applied to a kindhearted person of consecrate article different is the most serious is a heart sincere, no matter be ceremony or behavior, what should come from a heart is devotional with devoir.
