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1. **选择合适的地点**:选择一个清静、干净、整洁的地方来供奉佛经,最好是远离杂物和厕所的地方。

2. **准备供品**:可以准备一些供品,比如鲜花、水果、香烛等。这些供品可以代表你的敬意和虔诚。

3. **选择佛经**:挑选一部你喜欢或者觉得对你有帮助的佛经。可以是一部经文册、一本经书或者一部电子版佛经。

4. **安放佛经**:把选好的佛经摆放在一个干净整洁的地方,可以使用一个小桌子或者供桌,或者放在特定的佛龛里。

5. **诚心供养**:在供奉佛经的时候,心怀敬意和虔诚,可以通过念诵经文、诵经、点香等方式来表达你的敬意。

6. **定期供养**:最好能够定期进行供奉,可以是每天、每周或者每月一次,根据自己的时间和情况来安排。

7. **心诚则灵**:最重要的是心诚则灵,无论你的供奉形式如何,都要保持一颗诚心。



Consecrate sutra can be the process of a special personification, depend on your belief and actual condition. Here has a few basic measure to be able to consult for you:

1.** chooses appropriate place ** : Choose a quiet, clean, neat place to come consecrate sutra, had better be to be far from sundry the place with the toilet.

2.** prepares offerings ** : Can plan a few offerings, for instance flower, fruit, joss sticks and candles. These offerings can be mixed on behalf of your devoir devotional.

3.** chooses sutra ** : Choose a sutra that you like or feels helpful to you. Can be an a lection book, Confusion classics or sutra of an electron edition.

4.** puts sutra ** : Put the sutra that has chosen in a clean and neat place, can use a small table or altar, perhaps put in specific niche for a statue of Buddha.

5.** sincere desire makes offerings to ** : In consecrate sutra when, cherish devoir and devotional, can pass recite classics of lection, Song, dot sweet the devoir that waits for means to convey you.

6.** makes offerings to regularly ** : Best can undertake consecrate regularly, can be everyday, every week mensal perhaps, will arrange according to oneself time and circumstance.

7.** heart sincere clever ** : The most important is a heart sincere clever, no matter your consecrate form how, want to maintain a sincere desire.

Remember, consecrate sutra is the process of a kind of belief and cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine, it is the behavior of formally not just, more important is a heart is devotional with devoir.
