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1. 摆放佛像:选择一个合适的位置,摆放佛像,通常是在家中的佛龛、禅房或者特定的供奉区域。
2. 点香拜佛:每天或者特定的时刻,点香、献花、鞠躬、虔诚地向佛像祈祷,表达敬意和虔诚。
3. 念经诵咒:有些人在供奉佛像的时候会念经、诵咒,以求心灵的宁静和超越。
4. 禅坐冥想:在佛像前进行禅坐冥想,通过冥想来净化心灵、修行提升。
5. 斋饭供养:定期供养斋饭或其他食物给佛像,表示虔诚和感恩。



The means of great-grandfather consecrate figure of Buddha depends on his religious belief and individual habit. Generally speaking, consecrate figure of Buddha can carry the following kind:

1.Put figure of Buddha: Choose a proper place, put figure of Buddha, it is the consecrate area with specific perhaps room of the niche for a statue of Buddha in the home, buddhist normally.
2.Nod Xiangbaifo: Everyday specific perhaps hour, the dot is sweet, present a flower, bow, pray to figure of Buddha piously, expressive devoir and devotional.
3.Cuss of recite scriptures Song: Some people are in consecrate figure of Buddha when cuss of meeting recite scriptures, Song, of heart of in an attempt to halcyon and surmount.
4.Buddhist sits contemplative: Sit into travel buddhist before figure of Buddha contemplative, purify the heart, cultivate oneself according to a religious doctrine to promote presumably through dark.
5.Vegetarian food makes offerings to: Make offerings to regularly vegetarian food or other edibles give figure of Buddha, express to be mixed piously be thankful.

These are the means of common consecrate figure of Buddha, particular way can be adjusted according to the individual's belief and tradition.
